Advanced Ericksonian Hypnotherapy Scripts

Release Date:- 2014-01-17

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


This book of more than 100 Hypnotherapy scripts is based on over 20 years of experience.

This book is expanded on the first edition to include more hypnotic inductions & ‘quit smoking scripts & strategies’ and additional description about using the scripts.

This isn't just another hypnosis scripts book. It also gives the reader ideas and suggestions on how to run a Hypnotherapy session from gathering information to carrying out the hypnotic work, ending a session and setting tasks.

It also introduces Ericksonian Hypnotic language patterns and script structure so that the reader can have a deeper understanding of what is being done in the scripts and why they are written the way they are.

This all round package makes this book a valuable resource for anyone wanting to learn more about Ericksonian hypnosis.

"A must for all hypnosis and NLP students"

Hypnotherapists in training can read and analyse the Hypnotherapy scripts & study the language, structure & multi-level communication used.