47 Ronin

Release Date:- 2013-11-10

Reviews Counts:- 34

User Average Rating:- 3.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


Keanu Reeves makes an explosive return to action-adventure in 47 Ronin.

47 Ronin: The Legend Reborn presents everything you'll need to learn about the extraordinary 18th century tale, now retold for an entirely new generation.

Features found within this interactive digital companion include: Overview of the inspiration for the film based on the Japanese legend. Video commentary by director Carl Rinsch. The "Six Steps" of the honorable samurai warriors. Various photo galleries from chapter to chapter. Dynamic character and creature profiles. Details about actor Keanu Reeves and the international cast.  Fantastical locations and environments. Elaborate costumes worn by the main characters. Behind-the-scenes revelations about the making of the film. Interactive features, ePostcards for sharing, and more! Explore this groundbreaking reimagining of the masterless samurai's saga and rediscover their story rich with sacrifice, love, and undying honor.

Get 47 Ronin: The Legend Reborn today!