The Doctrine and Practice of Yoga

Release Date:- 2004-08-27

Reviews Counts:- 7

User Average Rating:- 4

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


This book Includes the practices and exercises of concentration, both objective and subjective, and active and passive mentation, an elucidation of Maya, guru worship and the worship of the terrible, also the mystery of will force.

Learn about the theorical and practical aspects of yoga, including Practices and Exercises of Concentration, both Objective and Subjective, and Active and Passive Mentation, an Elucidation of Maya, Guru Worship, and the Worship of the Terrible, also the Mystery of Will-Force.

Swami Mukerji was a Yogi of the South India Order. He wrote many books about yoga including Yoga Lessons for Developing Spiritual Consciousness, The Yogi Conception of Double Consciousness, The Yogi Conception of Self Development, Yogi Meditation Exercises, The Yogi Conception of Cause and Effect, The Yogi Conception of Life, Who Can Be a Yogi? and The Yogi Role of Prayer.