Kids Making Money Online: 12 Inspirational Bitcoin Stories That Will Motivate You To Action! (Bitcoin for Kids)

Release Date:- 2013-11-05

Reviews Counts:- 11

User Average Rating:- 2.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


- I love what you are doing and that you are bringing this kind of cool news to a young audience. David Johnston, Executive Director,

- I think what you guys are doing is amazing. I really support what you guys are doing and am behind the effort. Jason King, Founder,

- It’s great that you’re getting interested in Bitcoin! I think it’s a wonderful idea to introduce the concept to kids…your initiative is admirable! Best of luck! Olaf Carlson-Wee,

- Trace Mayer, JD served as the Bitcoin Editor to this series.

Kids from all over the world, ages 9 - 16 years old, are making $100s to $1000s using Bitcoin - the decentralized, peer-to-peer, global, digital money making headlines throughout 2013.

Read these 12 highly motivational success stories!

This Introductory book features the first published case study of kids using Bitcoin.

Since this book series is written by kids for kids, we prove that Bitcoin is easy and fun to understand and use.

The book shares kids who have made significant returns using Bitcoin. The most interesting point shared by each kid was that Bitcoin has changed their lives.

Made specifically with the Internet in mind, Bitcoin was literally made with kids in mind. The authors believe Bitcoin IS the currency of their generation and this book is an Introduction to the "Bitcoin for Kids" Trilogy.

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The Sabra Sisters are 3 tech tweenpreneurs, and bestselling authors of multiple kid nonfiction books.

Bitcoin address: 16DkBPvN1Dyy3Vx5taqZeDF5w5w2ASxGvP Donate and support the BitKidz Movement to make Bitcoin mainstream one kid at a time.