The Mysticism of Music, Sound and Word

Release Date:- 2012-01-27

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Kind:- ebook


The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism –  in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship. 

Hazrat Inayat Khan was born in India in 1882. He became a musician and studied Sufism. In 1910 he traveled to the United States where he played music and began delivering talks on the the Sufi Message. His reputation as a spiritual teacher grew. In 1920 he settled with his wife and children in France. He died in 1927 and is buried in Delhi, India.

Hazrat Inayat Khan’s followers transcribed and edited his talks. These transcriptions form the core of his teachings and are the basis for this first comprehensive electronic book version. There are 15 volumes, 650 chapters, and nearly half a million words. The topics are timeless. Seekers of all faiths along with agnostics and atheists too, will find in these volumes much to contemplate. 

The books need not be read in order. Variations on topics and themes reappear in different books providing a broad perspective and deeper understanding of the message.

The path awaits.

– John Fabian, editor & publisher