Karate Kid

Release Date:- 2022-12-02

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


I have learned that there is the red and there is the blue. And here it has nothing to do with the red pill and the blue pill of This Matrix.
The red is these unpleasant, difficult, sometimes horrific, things we experience in this life. This is from God. There is nothing we can do about it.
Perhaps we gain the wisdom to understand why God wants us to go through it. Perhaps only in the next life will we understand. But what is true is, is that it is from Him and we must rest and be assured that God intends good for us through it.
The blue is the tranquility, beauty, solace that exists with this. The peace and bliss.
We must cover the red with the blue.
Find your little garden and nurture whatever flowers grow there.
Ignore the stubborn thorns, weeds, and such, that you can’t get rid of.
Nurture the garden and focus on it.
Cover the red with the blue.