TRADING SMART: 92 Tools, Methods, Helpful Hints and High Probability Trading Strategies to Help You Succeed at Forex, Futures, Commodities and Stock Market Trading

Release Date:- 2009-07-02

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


In this information-packed book, I will share with you-in plain English-the trading philosophies and methodologies that have allowed me to survive and succeed in a fascinating but very challenging field of endeavor: Trading futures. I will also touch upon other important topics about which traders need to know in order to survive and succeed in futures trading.
I think you will enjoy the format of this book: short chapters that are easily comprehended. Too many times in this industry, books on trading have been so technical and complicated that traders find themselves swimming in a sea of market statistics, computer code or mathematical formulas. You will find none of that in this book. What you will find are important lessons and anecdotes that will move you up the ladder of trading success. You will also discover valuable trading tools that you can incorporate into your own trading plan of action.

Following are two of my most important trading tenets:

* Like success at any other job, successful futures trading requires hard work. There are no short-cuts. This is not a "qet-rich-quick" business.

* Simple trading strategies work the best. I have read the classic technical analysis books and talked face to face with the best trading professionals in the world. Most agree that, as my friend Stewart Taylor says, "Simple is Simply Better" when it comes to employing successful trading strategies. All the neural networks and powerful computers in the world won't compare to a good, basic and well-researched trading plan. Don't confuse simple strategies with easy trading. Simple trading methodologies still require a lot of preparation and work.

Jim Wyckoff's Background

I am into my third decade of involvement with the stock, financial and commodity futures markets. I was a financial journalist with FWN (now called OsterDowJones) for many years, including stints as a reporter on the rough-and-tumble commodity futures trading floors in Chicago, New York and abroad. I...