Football: Learn to Play Football - The Ultimate Guide to Understand Football Rules, Football Positions, Football Statistics and Watch a Football Game Like a Pro!

Release Date:- 2015-12-08

Reviews Counts:- 47

User Average Rating:- 3.5

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


You’re about to discover how to...
How to become a pro at watching and playing football. From learning the rules as you go along to learning all of the positions, you’ll soon be playing football in no time. Watching football can be easy too. All you have to do is to know about the rules, commodities, and even the NFL leagues. All of this information can be found in this book.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn...

You’ll learn how to pick up and throw a football

You’ll learn all of the positions on the football team

You’ll learn the rules and guidelines needed to play

You’ll learn a little about penalties and how to avoid them

You’ll learn about all the NFL teams

There are even tips to help you watch a game properly!

Much, much more!

Don’t miss out on all the fun! You can play and watch football like a pro. It all starts NOW!