Foreign Exchange Derivatives In Practice

Release Date:- 2017-04-10

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Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


The aim of this book is to explain OTC FX derivatives mainly for out-of-dealing room, out-of-treasury users who somehow has to deal with them in their professional life.
This book can be useful for those who does not have the time to get over all the related financial mathematical concepts and to read hundreds of theoretical pages on derivatives.
It is written for those who sometimes doesn't dare to ask questions at a meeting when everybody else seems to know what is going on when it comes to derivatives.
The idea behind this book is that anyone who is interested in can be able to capture the basic understanding behind options, option structures and other derivatives and can be confident in using them. The useage of derivatives in some extent is similar to the useage of mobile phones. Such as not only engineers can properly use mobile phones, not only financial engineers can properly use derivatives.