Essential Oils & Aromatherapy 101

Release Date:- 2014-06-17

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Kind:- ebook


Essential Oils Aromatherapy 101: Top Beauty Secrets for Your Health by Katie Lenhart is take-action practical information about pure essential oils that will rock your world! A dazzling display of scientific backed deep dark secret knowledge supporting the all powerful essence of organic essential oils.
Natural non-invasive essential oils will help you . . .
* Increase divine energy
* Boost sluggish metabolism
* Persuade positive objectivity
* Hinder negative aggression
* Resolve weight loss troubles
* Initiate cognitive change
* Restore optimal health
* Relax your mind
* Abolish illness and disease
Aromatherapy essential oils are gifted to your by nature to use and benefit from. Lenhart guides you to collect, combine and execute and achieve unbelievably great health influenced by mighty essential oils.
Lavender, rosemary, rose, chamomile, geranium, jasmine . . . to name a few! The key to your strong mind and body is in the precious pages of Essential Oils Aromatherapy 101.
Let's get started!