Alexander the Great

Release Date:- 2013-05-13

Reviews Counts:- 332

User Average Rating:- 4

Availability:- In Stock

Kind:- ebook


If you want to learn about one of history’s greatest military commanders and uncover some of his secrets of drive—drive that enabled him and his small army to first subdue all of Greece and then the mighty Persian Empire—then you want to read this book.

Some people like to think that geniuses are so inherently extraordinary that they navigate their journeys with clairvoyant ease. 

This simply isn’t true. 

Greatness does not come lightly. It requires that you make sacrifices of time, interests, and—sometimes—possessions. The further you move toward greatness, the more greatness demands from you.

But all barriers yield to one mythical quality: drive. The will to persist and overcome. To never give up. To never accept defeat. 

Few stories better illustrate this better than the life of one of the most extraordinary warriors the world has even known; a man of legendary ambition, will, and grit: Alexander the Great.

In this book, you’ll be taken on a whirlwind journey through Alexander’s life and conquests, and not only learn about the successes and mistakes of one of history’s greatest conquerors, but also how to awaken a fire in your own life and adventures.

Read this book now and learn lessons from Alexander the Great on why drive is so vital to awakening your inner genius, and learn insights into the real power of purpose, how to defeat the insidious force of “Resistance” that holds us back, and more.